
Inner Wheel is the world’s largest women’s service club organization with currently around 3,700 Inner Wheel Clubs and 100,000 members in 103 countries across all continents.

International Inner Wheel (IIW) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) recognized by the United Nations and has observational status in the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Inner Wheel delegates are accredited to the UN centers in Geneva, New York and Vienna.

The history of Inner Wheel begins in England during the First World War, when spouses of Rotarians continued the social activities of their conscripted husbands. On January 10, 1924, Margarette Golding founded the first Inner Wheel Club in Manchester. The Founding Day has since been celebrated as Day of Good Deed. In 1967 International Inner Wheel originated from the global association of Inner Wheel Clubs.

After membership was initially open only to women and Widows of Rotarians, access is also available to a wider circle of Rotarian and Inner Wheeler female members. Since 2012, with the majority approval of all club members, also women without a Rotarian background can be offered membership.

Inner Wheel Clubs have three goals:

  • friendship
  • social commitment
  • international understanding

There are currently two Inner Wheel Clubs in Graz:
Inner Wheel Graz
Inner Wheel Graz Uhrturm